Leases And Rental Agreements
How Can I Minimize The Risk Of Landlord-Tenant Disputes In The First Place?
When the parties to a lease disagree over its terms, or you find yourself in the position of needing to evict a tenant, one question frequently arises: How could I have prevented this?
Lease Review And Analysis Is A Critical Part Of The Work I Do For Landlords In Northern California
Lease disputes can often be prevented by ensuring that a lease is as comprehensive as possible and minimizes ambiguity. I regularly review and draft residential and commercial leases and address issues related to security deposits, assignments, rent control laws and other aspects of rental agreements. After years of focused California eviction services, I am able to offer candid and accurate advice for landlords.
I can assist in the negotiation and execution of both residential and commercial leases. Call 916-229-8356 to speak with me today.